Most conventional mods are added into the game with this mod loader. GFX (Short for graphics, enhances or changes the graphics of the game).Pilot(s) (adds more pilots/changes them).The Miscellaneous section contains every other mod. Currently, the only categories are Squads and Miscellaneous as there are not enough mods of any other category that warrant another section on this list. New Challenges: More enemies, more bosses, and more mission objectives. This thread is a list of all mods for Into The Breach. The free major update, Into the Breach: Advanced Edition is now available Nearly every aspect of the game is expanded with new content, including: New Mechs and Weapons: Five new mech squads and nearly forty new weapons. Since people unfamiliar with GitHub are often confused where to click:

The mod loader can be downloaded from the Releases page. Itb-community wrote:The mod loader only works with Windows version of the game.