The influence of founding team company affiliations on firm behavior. In Human capital: A theoretical and empirical analysis with special reference to education (3rd ed.): 15–28. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Bandiera, O., Guiso, L., Prat, A., & Sadun, R.Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, 11(2): 362–378. Start-ups, spin-offs, and internal projects. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 1(1–2): 147–165.

Small worlds, infinite possibilities? How social networks affect entrepreneurial team formation and search. Knowledge sources of entrepreneurship: Firm formation by academic, user and employee innovators. The Academy of Management Journal, 47(4): 501–522. Knowledge transfer through inheritance: Spin-out generation, development, and survival. Agarwal, R., Echambadi, R., Franco, A.What do I take with me? The mediating effect of spin-out team size and tenure on the founder-firm performance relationship. Centers of gravity: The effect of stable shared leadership in top management teams on firm growth and industry evolution.

Two, the need to embrace (self-) selection and endogeneity of founding characteristics, processes, and performance outcomes to the antecedent formation stage. One, the need for integration, especially across disciplines and contexts, acknowledging the role of the latter in shaping the formation process. Two key insights emerge to guide future research. The resulting integrative framework delineates the dynamic nature of the formation process, the origins of new venture teams, primary formation strategies used to initiate cofounding relations, and their effects on team characteristics, processes, and performance. Our structured content analysis situates the literature based on questions addressed for new venture team formation, such as why, how, when, and where entrepreneurial teams are formed. In part, this is because scholars have examined entrepreneurial team formation through different disciplinary lenses and within very different contexts. Although research on entrepreneurial team formation is gradually growing, it is at a critical juncture and marked by considerable fragmentation. Entrepreneurial team formation-the process through which founders establish a team to start a new venture-has important implications for team performance and entrepreneurial success.